Donate to HLI
Give, but before you give, join us in prayer
Pray for Us
Pray for us as we seek to connect to the ever-expanding Hispanic community--to those already doing the work of ministry; to those in need of renewal; and the future generations of men and women who will serve in God's Kingdom. Pray that we would lift up Jesus' name wherever we go and in whatever we do, and that He would draw people unto Himself through these efforts.
Pray with Us
Let us pray together for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers, even as we cry, "Here I am Lord; sent me!" Pray for open doors and receptive hearts to engage this greatly needed work of proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the large and diverse Hispanic community.
Pray for the Hispanic Community
As twenty-one nations--each with their own unique histories--converge in the United States, pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would bring unity under His Lordship, as He renews lives and stories.

Mail Your Donation
Mail your Donation to:
Hispanic Leadership Initiative [HLI]
PO Box 42933
Charlotte, NC 28215

Donate Stocks
To donate stocks, securities, or to set
up planned giving, contact our Executive Director at jose@hlipca.com